Get Started with Channel Management

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More than 160,000 vacation rentals use our best-in-class connections. Discover how we can increase your bookings by 25%.

What you must know about us:

We are The Channel Manager

We offer a gamut of features that address all aspects of short-term property management. We built a top-notch fully-integrated solution that orchestrates everything. We offer a fully optimized booking engine and website template. Our Guest Planner, a whole new way to visualize your guests journey from enquiry to check-out. Our Quality Checker which analyzes the content of your listings and delivers instantly a tailored report that shows what needs improvements. Our Guest Experience Management System that automates all your guests' communication.

We have best-in-class integrations with OTAs

Major OTAs run programmes to recognise and promote their best partners. Rentals United is the only vacation rental software company that is a top-tier partner with each OTA we work with. This gives you piece of mind that you work with the team that OTAs recommend as a reliable partner.

We have great third-party solutions integrated

There is a diverse and expanding selection of third-party tools in our Marketplace with which we directly integrate. Our integrations include Yield Managers, Payment Solutions and Operational Tools such as guest experience tools, housekeeping and maintenance and so much more.

We are a global company

We are a cloud-based platform and available to short term property managers worldwide with offices in the USA and Spain. Our software is available in English, French, Spanish and Italian.

Our customer support is great

We have a team of experts dedicated to providing support to our users. Take our client Nick Brandler from A Place Like Home experience as a reference: ¨The support and guidance provided by our Account Manager Vivian was World Class. She played a significant role in how successful the entire process was. I would highly recommend RU.¨


“Great Customer Support: Rentals United helps us distribute our properties through different channels through our short term rental PMS. It really understands our needs and we have always felt valued as a client. I believe Rentals United is a great tool to broaden your property distribution channels. They have helped promote our listings effectively in new channels.”

Laura - HomeHost


“The experience I had and have with Rentals United is very good! Besides a fast and very good support, the reservations improve significantly. I had the pleasure of being helped by Mariagrazia who always did an excellent job! I recommend it!”

John - Gem


“Rentals United makes it easy to integrate all of your listings across multiple platforms at a click of a button. They provide a large amount of channels to connect with. Our channel manager Vivian is AMAZING. She has helped us expand our properties onto multiple channels and is always responsive. We have weekly chats and constant e-mails. It is a dream working with Vivian.”

Kate - Valley of Dreams